Our groups and workshops are led by experienced therapists teaching evidence based treatment approaches that are commonly used in individual sessions.
Group therapy will usually be small (6-8 participants), short-tem, strategy focused and can offer an added value to ongoing therapy sessions.
Creative Expression Group Starts September 5th, 2024
This group is facilitated by Natalia Alamo and Jessica Rotterman.
Cost: $30 per session | 6-week Group
Times & Dates: Thursdays @ 5pm starting September 5th, 2024.
Group Location: 2741 Executive Park Drive, Suite 4, Weston, Fl
In FTG's Creative Expressions group, your child will learn to communicate their feelings using the universal language of colors and art, mirroring the journey of "The Color Monster." We will provide an inviting space for your child to open up, share, and process their emotions, all while developing essential emotional resilience skills. This six-week program offers a unique opportunity for your child to explore and articulate their emotions through the medium of art. Led by our experienced therapist, each session is crafted to transform the essence of the story into engaging, hands-on art projects.
By participating, they'll discover new, imaginative ways to find calmness and positivity, even when faced with challenges. Imagine the empowerment they'll feel by being able to express complex emotions through their creations, without the need for words. This program is more than just an art class; it's a safe haven for emotional growth and self-expression. It will foster a deeper understanding of emotions but also equip children with practical and creative coping strategies. Join us on this transformative adventure, where your child can explore their emotions creatively and build a foundation for lifelong emotional intelligence.
For more information please call our office directly at 954-769-1285 or email us at info@familytherapybroward.com
This group is facilitated by TBD
Cost: $30 per session | 6-week Group
Times & Dates: Wednesdays @ 6pm starting September 18, 2024.
Group Location: 2741 Executive Park Drive, Suite 4, Weston, Fl
This teens of divorce group offers a supportive space for teenagers navigating the unique challenges of experiencing parental separation or divorce. The group provides an opportunity for members to share their feelings and experiences, helping them understand that they are not alone in their journey. Topics include coping with changes in family dynamics, managing emotions like anger and sadness, and developing healthy ways to communicate with parents and siblings. The group also focuses on building resilience, maintaining self-esteem, and exploring the impact of divorce on relationships and personal identity. Open to teens ages 13-17, this group encourages open discussion and mutual support, helping members to process their experiences and develop healthy coping strategies for the future.
This group will run for six weeks starting, Wednesdays September 18th.
For more information please call our office directly at 954-769-1285 or email us at info@familytherapybroward.com
Teen Anxiety Group — Starts October 10th, 2024
This is a workshop facilitated by: Damali Reales, Registered Social Work Intern
Cost: $45 per session/ 6-week group
Ages: 14-18 years old
Times & Dates: Thursdays @6 PM
Unlock Your Teen's Confidence: Join Our Social Anxiety Support Group! Is your teen avoiding social situations or seeking constant reassurance? They might be battling social anxiety. Our group offers a safe, welcoming space where teens can learn about anxiety, its causes, and effective coping strategies. The teenage years are challenging, especially with recent global changes, but we are here to help.
Our program includes psychoeducation on anxiety, tackling common thinking errors that fuel anxiety, and teaching various coping and emotional regulation skills. We also dive into CBT exercises, self-compassion techniques, and improve communication and interpersonal skills. Do not let social anxiety hold your teen back from friendships, dating, and school success. Join us today and empower your teen to thrive socially!"
This workshop has been designed to educate your teen on anxiety and help them acquire coping skills to better manage their anxiety symptoms throughout their lifetime.
*Group members will be screened prior to group attendance to ensure proper fit.
In this workshop your teen will receive:
Psychoeducation on anxiety
Common thinking errors that lead to anxiety
📌 Psychoeducation on communication/ interpersonal skills.
Various coping and emotional regulation skills
CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) exercises/worksheets
For more information please call our office directly at 954-769-1285 or email us at info@familytherapybroward.com
Taller de Crianza para padres - TBD
Constantemente questionamos si estamos haciendo un buen trabajo con nuestros hijos.
Tenemos la tendencia a compararnos con otros padres y a veces terminamos sintiéndonos que a lo mejor necesitamos ayuda con nuestras habilidades como padres.
Nuestra clase introductoria de estilos de crianza para padres se enfocará en entender la transición emotional y hormonal de los años de la infancia a la adolescencia. En la clase se discutirá el concepto de regulación de las emociones, comunicación básica, las técnicas de negociación, el establecimiento de límites y dinámica de las familias.
Ser padres es un rol que jugamos de por vida y cómo lo hacemos depende en qué etapa de vida están sus niños. Capacitarse en las habilidades que lo hacen tener éxito como padre no solo lo ayudará a tener una mejor relación con sus hijos pero también lo ayudará a ahorrar tiempo y dinero.
Este es un taller facilitado por: Jesus Moreno, LMHC, Family Therapist.
Dirección- 2741 Executive Park Drive, Suite 4, Weston, FL
Costo: $50 | Parejas: $85
📌 Temas comunes que los adolescentes están presentando después de la pandémia
📌 Técnicas de comunicación para entenderlos mejor
📌 Discutiremos los 4 tipos de estilo de crianza y que su efectividad
📌 Cómo establecer límites saludables con sus hijos
For more information please call our office directly at 954-769-1285 or email us at info@familytherapybroward.com
Parenting Skills Workshop - TBD
Do you struggle with feeling like a good enough parent?
We constantly wonder if we are doing a good enough job as parents. In fact, we tend to compare ourselves with other parents and sometimes we end up feeling that we might need a helping hand with our parenting skills.
Our introductory Parenting Workshop will be focusing on understanding the emotional and hormonal transition from childhood to teenage years. It will also address emotion regulation concepts, basic communication and negotiation skills, boundary-setting techniques and family dynamics.
Parenting is something you will do for the rest of your life and how we parent is based upon the stage your kids are in.
Getting trained on the skills that make you succeed as a parent will not only help you in having a greater relationship with your kids but it will save you time, suffering, and even money.
This is a workshop facilitated by: Jesus Moreno, LMHC, Family Therapist.
Workshop location- 2741 Executive Park Drive, Suite 4, Weston, FL
Cost: $50 | Couples: $85
In this workshop you will learn:
📌Common Issues that teens are facing post-pandemic
📌Communication skills to better communicate with them
📌Different styles in parenting and how effective they are
📌How to set healthy boundaries
For more information please call our office directly at 954-769-1285 or email us at info@familytherapybroward.com