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It's ok being alone

Being ok with being alone

By: Madison Wolfe-

During this time of the year, we are often reminded if we are in a relationship or if we are single. All over social media, we are reminded of people in romantic relationships finding their love for everyone to see. For those of us who are single, it may feel frustrating and annoying to be constantly reminded of what we don’t have in our lives. But have you given any thought to the positive benefits of being alone? 


 It’s perfectly healthy to enjoy time alone. 


The world Is full of 50% introverts and 50% extroverts. Introverts are known to get the most value in life out of time spent on their own rather than extroverts who value time spent with others. There is no clear “better” between introverts and extroverts and just like humans, there are strengths and weaknesses for being either. 

Some people see “being alone” as a bad thing. After the COVID-19 crisis, many people were forced into being away from their loved ones. With time, some have come to realize that being alone isn’t necessarily a bad thing as there are a handful of benefits once you learn to be alone. 

You don’t need a partner to fulfill you. It’s best to remind ourselves that we have friends, family, and close people we love that could serve as our biggest supporters. Life is filled with relationships and most relationships don’t work unless both people are happy. Once you are alone, the only person’s happiness you have to worry about at the moment is your own. 

Does the constant reminder of other people’s happy relationships still bother you?  Are you still having trouble feeling OK with being alone?


Here are some tips on how to find great things to feel ok with being alone:

  • Find out what makes you happy

When you’re single or in a relationship, try to focus on what brings you the most joy. Start dating yourself and focusing on what you need and desire. You can put yourself first without seeing yourself as selfish. Selfish in this sense means prioritizing what makes you truly happy. 

  • Accept yourself

Accept you for YOU. From the beginning of time to your last single breath, you have to live with yourself. It’s important for you to be comfortable in your own skin. Acceptance is the first step to loving yourself. 

  • Love yourself 

We have all heard the phrase “To love someone, you have to love yourself”. Focus on what you like and dislike to be the best version of yourself. This can prepare you for that time when you do find a romantic relationship. 

  • You are good enough without having a +1/ significant other

Having a balance of ‘me’ time and time without loved ones is important to figure out. It’s better to learn to be by yourself so you can find a partner who matches your standards and knows you’re worth it. Even when we have a partner it’s important to find time alone. 

  • Look at the positives 

Being alone is a great thing. Think about it: you can sit on the couch if you want, take a walk by yourself if you want, and enjoy your freedom to the max! Being able to look at the positives can give you an optimistic outlook on life. 

  • Avoid comparing ourselves to others

Social media makes it very difficult to naturally see other people. Social media can negatively affect our mental health and our perception of the world around us. Removing ourselves from social media for a brief moment can really help us see who we are and what makes us happy. 

  • Disconnecting is healthy

Along with social media, it may be beneficial to consider disconnecting from your phones, computers, and tv for some time. The best time to be by yourself is to use your time to be in nature, journaling about your thoughts and appreciating those around you. 

  • Value your independence 

When you’re in a relationship, you have shared time and experiences with your partner. When you’re single, you have all the time in the world to do what you want.  Instead of looking at this as a bad thing, use your independence to your benefit. Give yourself the reassurance that you need.

  • Step out of your comfort zone

Being alone allows more time to see what you’re capable of. It’s a perfect opportunity to try things that you have not done before. Try cooking for yourself and treating yourself the way you wish someone would treat you. Put yourself first and try new things you never thought were possible. 


If you feel that despite trying your hardest that you see yourself struggling, we can help! Give us a call today.

Written by Madison Wolfe

Madison Wolfe, Psychotherapist at Family Therapy Group of Weston

From Madison's bio...

Madison credits her warm, relatable, caring and welcoming but straightforward approach as one of her best attributes. She is able to provide a safe space for her clients to effectively communicate their struggles while learning new tools to manage them. Madison feels that her own experience with a family member who struggles with mental health issues has helped her to see the struggles from a sibling point of view, parents point of view and the individual point of view.

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