How to make sense of a relationship with a narcissist.
By: Magaly Gauntlett–
Being in a committed relationship involves intimacy, love, compassion, trust and care among other things. There are times when love fluctuates in intensity from time to time, this includes positive feelings, excitement, happiness, and yes sometimes, conflicts, and disappointments.
But what happens when you feel you are in a vicious circle or constant worries, sadness, and most of the time, fear? Being in a relationship with a narcissist can make you feel confused and unable to control your emotions.
When you begin a relationship with a narcissist, you might feel you that you have found your perfect partner. They can be quite charming and sweet but as the relationship progresses, you might begin to have doubts and worries about their behavior. Once you show disagreement or want to express any concerns, they will make you believe you are the one with the problem. One major issue in this type of relationship, is that a narcissist will never accept responsibilities for their actions or mistakes.
Let me discuss some of the main characteristics that are present in a relationship with a narcissist:
1- Shows an exaggerated sense of importance.
2- Needs to be the center of attention.
3- Show signs of superiority and looks down on others.
4- Envious of others and what they have.
5- Lack of empathy.
6- Struggle to handle their emotions.
7- Get easily offended.
These are some of the characteristics that you need to be to find out if you are sharing your life with a narcissist. Be aware of how you feel after you have a conversation with your partner, observe if you feel drained after trying to express your point of view. Most of the time, people who are in a relationship with a narcissist, feel defeated, and sometimes guilty or hopeless.
If you realize you are in this type of relationship, here is an important step to take:
Set boundaries. Once boundaries are set, you need to make it clear that these boundaries are not meant to be broken. Do not let them dictate how you should express your emotions, and never take any responsibility for their actions. Remember, each person is responsible for their actions and mistakes.
If you think you are in this type of negative relationship, remember to always reach out for help, call your friends and loved ones, you do not need to go through this pain by yourself. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel, and recovering from a narcissistic relationship is possible.
If you need to seek help to help you process being in a relationship with a narcissist, we are here to help you and provide more information about this topic.
Written by Magaly Gauntlett
Magaly Gauntlett is a Registered Mental Health Counselor whose passion is to help clients who are struggling with past traumas, low self-esteem, depression and anxiety to find a sense of security and to regain their self-confidence. She specializes in helping clients to learn to refocus their attention to the present by utilizing Mindfulness techniques so they can reconnect with a feeling of safety and calmness. Her approach to counseling is one of connection with others and with families struggling with difficult issues.
Magaly Gauntlet es una terapeuta consejera de salud mental registrada cuya pasión es ayudar a los clientes que luchan con traumas pasados, baja autoestima, depresión y ansiedad a encontrar una sensación de seguridad y recuperar la confianza en sí mismos. Ella se especializa en ayudar a sus clientes a aprender a re-enfocar su atención en el presente mediante la utilización de técnicas de Mindfulness para que puedan reconectarse con una sensación de seguridad y tranquilidad. Su enfoque de la consejería es una de conexión con otros y con familias que luchan con problemas difíciles.