Relationship goals for the New Year
New Year Resolutions: A new twist on an old tradition
As the holiday season ends and the New Year quickly approaches, most of us begin to make plans or “goals” for the New Year. We all hope to make the New Year more successful and rewarding than the previous one. The typical tradition involves setting common goals such as: to lose weight, quit smoking, exercise more, travel more, etc. However, we often forget to make goals to improve our relationships, to keep them new and alive.
As 2023 approaches, I encourage you to begin a new tradition by incorporating resolutions geared towards improving your relationship. Since you are already making an effort to look better and be happier, why not make an effort to show your significant other that he/she is important. So let’s go ahead and set new “relationship” goals to make 2023 your most successful year ever. Below are some examples to get you started. I encourage you to be as creative and fun-loving as you can, it will definitely increase your ability to enjoy the process.
2023 Relationship Resolutions:
- Share laughter together, the more you laugh together, the easier life becomes. Make it a Netflix night and find a romantic comedy or find your favorite stand-up comedian special.
- Make a point to “dress to impress”. Not only is this a terrific boost to your self-esteem but it may also add spark to your love life. Even if you are not going anywhere special, dress like you mean it and enjoy every minute of it.
- Make a commitment to have “date night” once a week just the two of you. Whether it is once a week or once a month, make it a priority to spend quality time to reconnect with your partner in a personal level.
- Make a real effort to “listen” to your partner. The key element is to differentiate between when your partner is asking you to solve a problem versus when your partner needs you to be a friend and empathize.
- Take a moment to remember the qualities that attracted you to your partner. Write them down and share them with the other person.
- Be more playful with your loved one; share personal jokes; tease each other and truly enjoy having a good time together.
- Say “thank you” more often and be on the lookout for small gestures that your significant other may do for you.
- Do something before your partner asks you to. For example, take the dog out for a walk, take out the garbage, do the dishes, etc. These small gestures go a long way towards making your relationship more satisfying.
I hope that the above resolutions are helpful in your quest to improve your relationship. Remember that a happy relationship requires time and attention from both partners. By setting goals for your relationship you are investing the time and energy that is necessary to keep it growing. May all your dreams and aspirations come true as the New Year 2023 approaches.
Written by Monica Arroyo
From Monica's bio...
I believe that our journey is filled with many unimaginable turns and twists. The key is to understand just how to deal with every single turn without losing our path. I know this first hand, not only from having relocated from a different country into the United States but also from having lived in different states from New York to New Jersey and finally Florida where I have settled with my family and children.