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Returning to school during the pandemic- Reflections from a therapist mom

By: Alejandra Saavedra The start of the 2021-2022 school year is approaching. It's official that for Broward County residents, hybrid or fully online options will not be available at public ...
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How can Art Therapy help with Anxiety? Let your creativity guide your emotions.

By Marianela Bermudez Anxiety is a common condition in modern life. Anxiety disorders are estimated to be the most common mental disorder in the world. In 2017, 284 million people ...
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Se acercan las fiestas… ¿Y qué hacemos? 5 Tips para disfrutarlas

El 2020 ha sido un año muy estresante. La pandemia nos aisló de todo y de todos. Convivimos con los muebles en nuestras casas durante largos meses, y despertó nuevas ...
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Coping with stress over the holidays in a time of uncertainty

Typically, our stress and anxiety over the holiday season is due to a lack of time, shopping, family gatherings and office parties. This year our stress and anxiety over the ...
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Are you having anxiety about your kids returning back to school? 8 Tips to prepare them for returning.

Both Miami-Dade and Broward County Schools are scheduled to reopen this upcoming week. Parents are facing a new to-do list in getting their children ready for school. Children have to ...
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5 Tips for Managing Your Anxiety As the World Re-opens

By Sarah Rohan Up until now, things have pretty much been on lockdown to keep everyone safe. Even though you have adjusted to staying home, you can’t wait for things ...
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6 Ways Mindfulness Can Help You Cope with COVID-19 Anxiety

By Monica Arroyo It seems like each passing day brings new updates on the COVID-19 pandemic. Your daily routine probably looks a little different than it did a couple of ...
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How to Decrease Anxiety During a Pandemic

By Monica Arroyo The last few weeks have been quite hard for our country, and all our emotions seem to be increasing as each day passes by. But there are ...
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Holiday Anxiety? Maintain Your Calm with These 5 Soothing Steps

Even though the holiday season is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, it’s not uncommon for people to experience higher levels of stress than usual. Between ...
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5 Common Misinterpreted Anxiety Symptoms Your Teen May Be Exhibiting

Is your teen anxious? How can you be sure? Maybe they are moody, jumpy, or prone to mysterious aches and pains that keep them home from school? Is that anxiety? ...
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